06/08/2009 08:00
06/09/2009 15:00
Russian Ridge Workshop:
Magmatic and Hydrothermal Systems Interaction in the Mid-Ocean Ridges
8-9 June 2009
VNIIOkeangeologia, St. Petersburg, Russia
Deadline for Abstracts submission: April 1, 2009
General discussion on main results of multidisciplinary investigations of mid-ocean ridges conducted in 2007-2008 by Russian and foreign scientists will be held during this workshop.
Abstracts should be submitted to:
G.A. Cherkashov (VNIIOkeangeologia): Fax:7-(812) 714 14 70, [email protected]
S.А. Silantyev (Vernadsky Institute): Fax: 7-(495) 938 2 054 , [email protected]