
Preview to 2009 InterRidge Newsletter: Oceanic Core Complex - Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 30°N

The cover of the 2009 InterRidge Newsletter will highlight research on oceanic core complexes. As a preview to this year's upcoming issue, we posted here the PDF for an article that will be included in the section for International Research at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge:
"Seismic Velocity Variation within the Footwall of an Oceanic Core Complex - Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 30°N"
By, Ashlee S. Henig1, Donna K. Blackman1, Alistair J. Harding1, Graham M. Kent1, and Juan-Pablo Canales2

InterRidge Biweekly E-News Archive 2008

Below are copies of the biweekly e-news that were sent out to the interridge-mail list. The most recent e-news is listed first, at the top.

InterRidge News, Vol. 17, 2008, posted online

IR_News_2008_cover-s The InterRidge Office is pleased to announce that InterRidge News, Vol. 17, 2008, is now available on our website at:

This year's issue features research articles from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Mediterranean Sea, Western Pacific, and Central Indian Ridge, provides updates from working groups and member nations, lists upcoming cruises and events, and introduces our student fellows.

InterRidge News Volume 16 - 2007

Letter from the Chairs

Info from the Office
Coordinator Update
Education and Outreach Update

Color Photos from International Research Articles

International Research
Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- A new hydrothermal field at 13º30’N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. V. Beltenev, et al.
- Shallow-drilling of the ultramafic-hosted Logatchev hydrothermal field at 14°45’N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge using a new lander-type seafloor drill. S. Petersen, et al.

Call for papers for InterRidge News 2010

We are requesting article submissions for the 19th Volume of the InterRidge News, which will be published in November 2010. All papers must be submitted by email to the InterRidge office ([email protected]) by Monday, 13 September 2010.

InterRidge News Volume 14 - 2005

- Letter from the Chair - C. Devey

Info from the Office
- Coordinator Update - Katja Freitag

- The current InterRidge working groups and their chairs

International Research
Pacific Ridges
- The Pacific-Antarctic Ridge between 41 15'S and 52 45'S: Surveying and sampling during the PACANTARCTIC2 cruise - L. Dasso et al.

InterRidge News Volume 15 - 2006

- Letter from the Chair - C. Devey

Info from the Office
- Coordinator Update - Sabine Lange

- InterRidge statement of commitment to responsible research practices at deep-sea hydrothermal vents - C. Devey

International Research
- Introducing the Endeavour Marine Protected Area - Management Support System project charter - K. Conley

Submitting to the InterRidge News


InterRidge News is intended for rapid publication of preliminary results and cruise reports which do not appear in other publications. Ridge crest researchers are encouraged to submit their findings as short articles, up to 4 manuscript pages in length, accompanied by up to 4 figures. Articles involving multi-national cooperation are especially encouraged.

Handbook of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Fauna

Handbook of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Fauna
D. Desbruyères, M. Segonzac and M. Bright (Eds.), 2006

Back-Arc Spreading Systems - Geological, Biological, Chemical, and Physical Interactions

Editors - David M. Christie, Charles R. Fisher, Sang-Mook Lee, and Sharon Givens

Other Publications


2012 - Ridge 2000 Special Issue of Oceanography
The Ridge 2000 Special Issue of Oceanography Magazine is available online. The full issue pdf and pdfs of individual articles in the issue are available free of charge via The Oceanography Society website:
We encourage you to make use of this excellent compendium of oceanic spreading center science and summary of Ridge 2000 Program results.

InterRidge Newsletter

The InterRidge Newsletter is published annually and contains brief research articles, updates from our Working Groups, office news, upcoming event and cruise schedules, as well as updates from our member countries.

The deadline to submit articles for the 2017 InterRidge Newsletter is 25 September 2017.

Submitting to InterRidge News

InterRidge Publications

InterRidge Statement of Commitment to Responsible Research Practices at Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents 

Read the Statement / Code of Conduct on responsible research practice at hydrothermal vents.
Read an evaluation of the Code of Conduct by Godet, Zelnio and Van Dover 2011.