InterRidge Global Database of Active Submarine Hydrothermal Vent Fields:
InterRidge Vents Database Ver. 3.4
The following links are to national data portals and other data centres:
Ocean+ Data
Ocean+ Data addresses the need for accurate and up-to-date data and information required to support adaptive conservation and resource management that can help to mitigate these impacts, and to conserve marine species and habitats. Ocean+ Data provides an overview of global marine and coastal datasets of biodiversity importance, including some datasets of regional interest.
Integrated Earth Data Applications - IEDA
IEDA is a community-based data facility funded by the US National Science Foundation (NSF) to support, sustain, and advance the geosciences by providing data services for observational Geoscience data from the Ocean, Earth, and Polar Sciences.
Marine Geoscience Data System - MGDS
The Marine Geoscience Data System (MGDS) provides free public access to data collected throughout the global oceans.
Ocean Biogeographic Information System - OBIS
OBIS allows users to search marine species datasets from all of the world's oceans. Users can identify biodiversity hotspots and large-scale ecological patterns, analyze dispersions of species over time and space, and plot species' locations with temperature, salinity, and depth.
National Oceanographic Data Center - NODC
NODC maintains and updates a national ocean archive with environmental data acquired from domestic and foreign activities and produces products and research from these data which help monitor global environmental changes. These data include physical, biological and chemical measurements derived from in situ oceanographic observations, satellite remote sensing of the oceans, and ocean model simulations.
Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office - BCO-DMO:
BCO-DMO publishes data from research projects funded by the Biological and Chemical Oceanography Sections and the Office of Polar Programs Antarctic Organisms & Ecosystems Program at the U.S. National Science Foundation. The data sets and supporting documentation from oceanographic research projects are freely available from this database.
Data repository at JAMSTEC in Japan:
JAMSTEC disseminates data which has been obtained during a wide variety and number of research and observational activities in the ocean and the Earth sciences. Such data is posted on the data sites or databases according to their data types, observational platforms or research projects. JAMSTEC Data Catalog collects categories, data types, abstracts, publication URLs, spatial and temporal ranges, etc. of each data site or database.
British Oceanographic Data Centre - BODC
BODC holds publicly accessible marine data collected using a variety of instruments and samplers and collated from many sources. It handles biological, chemical, physical and geophysical data and the databanks contain measurements of nearly 22,000 different oceanographic variables.
BODC's numerical model data portal, providing search, visualisation and data download mechanisms through an online interface for numerical model data.
German site - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Geoscience Australia
Oceanographic data and other geoscience data sets are at the Australian government site.
The Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN)
Previously: The Australian Ocean Data Centre Joint Facility (AODCJF)
This is a whole-of-government approach to ocean data management that is developing a national multi-agency data management system for the ocean data resources of the partner agencies.
The first regional-scale cabled obsewrvatory network, gathering live data with free internet access.
ISA's Central Data Repository
From this site, one can access data on marine minerals, sulphides and vents, polymetallic nodules cruise data, seabed patents and bibliographic databases.