
Sunday June 24, 2012
Start: 06/24/2012 08:30

Sessions of interest to InterRidge members:

Session 4a. "Melt generation and evolution at mid-ocean ridges"
Conveners Leonid Danyushevsky (University of Tasmania) and Nobumichi
Shimizu (WHOI)

Keynote Roger Buck (LDEO)

Monday June 25, 2012

Sessions of interest to InterRidge members:

Session 4a. "Melt generation and evolution at mid-ocean ridges"
Conveners Leonid Danyushevsky (University of Tasmania) and Nobumichi
Shimizu (WHOI)

Keynote Roger Buck (LDEO)

Tuesday June 26, 2012

Sessions of interest to InterRidge members:

Session 4a. "Melt generation and evolution at mid-ocean ridges"
Conveners Leonid Danyushevsky (University of Tasmania) and Nobumichi
Shimizu (WHOI)

Keynote Roger Buck (LDEO)

Wednesday June 27, 2012

Sessions of interest to InterRidge members:

Session 4a. "Melt generation and evolution at mid-ocean ridges"
Conveners Leonid Danyushevsky (University of Tasmania) and Nobumichi
Shimizu (WHOI)

Keynote Roger Buck (LDEO)

Thursday June 28, 2012

Sessions of interest to InterRidge members:

Session 4a. "Melt generation and evolution at mid-ocean ridges"
Conveners Leonid Danyushevsky (University of Tasmania) and Nobumichi
Shimizu (WHOI)

Keynote Roger Buck (LDEO)

Friday June 29, 2012
Start: 06/24/2012 08:30
End: 06/29/2012 17:30

Sessions of interest to InterRidge members:

Session 4a. "Melt generation and evolution at mid-ocean ridges"
Conveners Leonid Danyushevsky (University of Tasmania) and Nobumichi
Shimizu (WHOI)

Keynote Roger Buck (LDEO)

Monday July 09, 2012
Start: 07/09/2012 08:30

The conference theme is: "Building a Blue Economy: Strategy, Opportunities, and Partnerships in the Seas of East Asia".

Tuesday July 10, 2012

The conference theme is: "Building a Blue Economy: Strategy, Opportunities, and Partnerships in the Seas of East Asia".

Wednesday July 11, 2012

The conference theme is: "Building a Blue Economy: Strategy, Opportunities, and Partnerships in the Seas of East Asia".

Thursday July 12, 2012

The conference theme is: "Building a Blue Economy: Strategy, Opportunities, and Partnerships in the Seas of East Asia".