
Sunday March 06, 2011
Start: 03/06/2011 00:30

Joint scientific conference and workshop dedicated to exploring the cultivation dependent and independent means by which we study the microbes of the subsurface.  All undergraduate, graduate, postdoctoral and principal investigators interested in the study of sediment microbiology are invited to apply to the meeting. Due to space limitations, participation will be limited. Travel funding is available for students and postdoctoral participants on a limited basis. The meeting will take place at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Monday March 07, 2011

Joint scientific conference and workshop dedicated to exploring the cultivation dependent and independent means by which we study the microbes of the subsurface.  All undergraduate, graduate, postdoctoral and principal investigators interested in the study of sediment microbiology are invited to apply to the meeting. Due to space limitations, participation will be limited. Travel funding is available for students and postdoctoral participants on a limited basis. The meeting will take place at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Tuesday March 08, 2011

Joint scientific conference and workshop dedicated to exploring the cultivation dependent and independent means by which we study the microbes of the subsurface.  All undergraduate, graduate, postdoctoral and principal investigators interested in the study of sediment microbiology are invited to apply to the meeting. Due to space limitations, participation will be limited. Travel funding is available for students and postdoctoral participants on a limited basis. The meeting will take place at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Wednesday March 09, 2011
Start: 03/06/2011 00:30
End: 03/09/2011 17:30

Joint scientific conference and workshop dedicated to exploring the cultivation dependent and independent means by which we study the microbes of the subsurface.  All undergraduate, graduate, postdoctoral and principal investigators interested in the study of sediment microbiology are invited to apply to the meeting. Due to space limitations, participation will be limited. Travel funding is available for students and postdoctoral participants on a limited basis. The meeting will take place at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Monday March 21, 2011
Start: 03/21/2011 00:00

This conference is to demonstrate IODE's vision to new challenges faced by the data and information management communities and its contribution to the capacity building and the society’s needs for data and information products.

Details at:

Registration prior to event or on arrival.

Tuesday March 22, 2011
Start: 03/21/2011 00:00
End: 03/22/2011 17:00

This conference is to demonstrate IODE's vision to new challenges faced by the data and information management communities and its contribution to the capacity building and the society’s needs for data and information products.

Details at:

Registration prior to event or on arrival.

Sunday April 03, 2011
Start: 04/03/2011 00:00

The joint workshop of OCCOS and CHOICE-C will focus on climate change and ocean carbon from field observation, remote sensing and modeling.

Register on line:

Further details

Start: 04/03/2011 00:30


The EGU General Assembly 2011 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world into one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences. 

Further details

Registration and abstract deadline: 10 January 2011


Monday April 04, 2011
Start: 04/03/2011 00:00
End: 04/04/2011 17:00

The joint workshop of OCCOS and CHOICE-C will focus on climate change and ocean carbon from field observation, remote sensing and modeling.

Register on line:

Further details


The EGU General Assembly 2011 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world into one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences. 

Further details

Registration and abstract deadline: 10 January 2011