Russian Ridge Workshop’07 dedicated to memory of Leonid Dmitriev – Founder of R-Ridge and one of pioneers in Study of Mid-Oceanic Ridge World System
Download the Abstract Volume here - 721KB
5-7 June, 2007, Moscow
Workshop Agenda: Geochemical, petrological and geophysical segmentation of the Mid-Oceanic Ridges and its relationships with geodynamic parameters of oceanic lithosphere accretion.
Russian Ridge Workshop’07 dedicated to memory of Leonid Dmitriev – Founder of R-Ridge and one of pioneers in Study of Mid-Oceanic Ridge World System
Download the Abstract Volume here - 721KB
5-7 June, 2007, Moscow
Workshop Agenda: Geochemical, petrological and geophysical segmentation of the Mid-Oceanic Ridges and its relationships with geodynamic parameters of oceanic lithosphere accretion.
Russian Ridge Workshop’07 dedicated to memory of Leonid Dmitriev – Founder of R-Ridge and one of pioneers in Study of Mid-Oceanic Ridge World System
Download the Abstract Volume here - 721KB
5-7 June, 2007, Moscow
Workshop Agenda: Geochemical, petrological and geophysical segmentation of the Mid-Oceanic Ridges and its relationships with geodynamic parameters of oceanic lithosphere accretion.
GEOTRACES Workshop Pacific Basin Cruise Planning Meeting – Hawaii 26-29 June 2007
GEOTRACES will host a planning workshop to define the scientific objectives, and to develop a strategy to achieve those objectives, for the Pacific Ocean. The workshop will be held at the University of Hawaii, on 26-29 June 2007.
GEOTRACES Workshop Pacific Basin Cruise Planning Meeting – Hawaii 26-29 June 2007
GEOTRACES will host a planning workshop to define the scientific objectives, and to develop a strategy to achieve those objectives, for the Pacific Ocean. The workshop will be held at the University of Hawaii, on 26-29 June 2007.
GEOTRACES Workshop Pacific Basin Cruise Planning Meeting – Hawaii 26-29 June 2007
GEOTRACES will host a planning workshop to define the scientific objectives, and to develop a strategy to achieve those objectives, for the Pacific Ocean. The workshop will be held at the University of Hawaii, on 26-29 June 2007.
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
A workshop dedicated to North Atlantic rift - drift evolution under the influence of the Iceland Hotspot
Fundamental scientific question to be addressed
How does a hotspot influence the development of an oceanic basin from rifting through to mid-ocean ridge spreading?
Why is this important?
Mantle influence on rifting and break-up geometries
Understanding mantle circulation and hotspot phenomena
Consequences for crustal-scale horizontal and vertical tectonics