The full report of the workshop of the Long Range Exploration Working Group held at NOC, Southampton, UK in June is now available.
A summary is provided here.
The full report of the workshop of the Long Range Exploration Working Group held at NOC, Southampton, UK in June is now available.
A summary is provided here.
In order to encourage both the development and formulation of a concrete scientific justification for the long-range exploration of the ridge axes and also to stimulate the necessary technological developments, InterRidge and its "Long-range Exploration Working Group" is holding an open Workshop in June 2010 at NOC Southampton. Further information and registration at:
Call for proposals:
InterRidge Student and Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2010
All application materials are to be submitted electronically to the InterRidge Coordinator ([email protected]) by 31 March 2010
First, we would like to congratulate and thank Jian Lin, Chris German and Stace Beaulieu for running the InterRidge Office at WHOI these past 3 years. Their enthusiasm and leadership has ensured InterRidge has continued to be the most effective medium for international collaboration in mid-ocean ridge studies. So, here is a big THANK YOU from all of us in the InterRidge family.
The next issue of the journal Scientific Drilling is currently being edited, and is planned for
publication in late April 2010. If you have upcoming workshops, short news items or general information you would like to advertise to the scientific community,
We are currently compiling a group of papers on the Ridge 2000 integrated study site at the East Pacific Rise for a special volume in Geobiology (citation index 3.8). The contents of the papers currently proposed range from geochemistry to microbiology to time-series plume fluxes at the 9°50’ EPR vent sites, but could broaden out disciplinarily and locality to include 8 - 11°N EPR. We would therefore like to hear from those of you in the Ridge community who would be interested in submitting their research to such a journal.
Benoit Ildefonse will be chairing the Earth/Environment session at
the next Japanese-French Frontier of Science Symposium in January 2010.
These meetings are multidisciplinary (physics, biology, mathematics, social
sciences, etc...), and all participants attend all sessions. The theme of
the Earth/Environment session this year will be deep-sea resources.
Continental Shelf: The Last Maritime Zone A comprehensive overview report on the status of the process of establishing the limits of the continental shelf beyond 200 M. Written and illustrated by the UNEP Shelf Programme and communications/cartography experts of GRID/Arendal, this report was released on 7 December 2009.
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The InterRidge Office is pleased to announce that InterRidge News, Vol. 18, 2009, is now available on our website at: This year's issue features research articles on oceanic core complexes and hydrothermal vents on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, provides updates from working groups, member nations and InterRidge Fellows, and lists upcoming cruises and events. |
The InterRidge Working Group for Seafloor Mineralization is mentioned in two recent magazine articles: - Oceanus magazine, 20 November 2009: "The Promise and Perils of Seafloor Mining," by Lisa Drew, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. - Mining Environmental Management magazine, October 2009: "Into the Deep," an article by International Marine Minerals Society (IMMS) Board Member and Secretary, Dr.
The InterRidge Mantle Imaging Working Group would like to promote large-scale seismic/EM experiments to image the mantle structure at ridge systems. We encourage PIs with cruises for these experiments to consider availability of bunks for graduate students (esp. students from a different country) and/or to enable international collaborators to deploy additional instruments on the cruises. For the current list of OBS and OBEM projects, please see:
Following the IODP INVEST Workshop, several members of the IODP community, including Benoît Ildefonse, Chair of the Deep Earth Sampling Working Group, and Catherine Mével, former member of the InterRidge Steering Committee, were interviewed by the journal Nature about the future of ocean drilling. Link to the news item "Experts draw up ocean-drilling wish list" in Nature, Vol. 461, 1 Oct. 2009, p. 578-579:
InterRidge is pleased to announce a Letter of Agreement (LoA) to be signed with GRID-Arendal, a collaborating center of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The GRID (Global Resource Information Database) center, recognized worldwide for its role in bridging the gap between science and policy, is based in Arendal, Norway
( The objective of the LoA is to establish a framework for cooperation between UNEP/GRID-Arendal and InterRidge.
"Race to the Ridges," an article in the Sept. 2009 issue of Marine Technology Reporter, highlights the workshop on deep-sea mining of seafloor massive sulfides that was convened earlier this year by the InterRidge Working Group on Seafloor Mineralization.
To access the PDF of this magazine issue, please go to:
To access the e-book, please go to:
Submissions are encouraged for a new themed volume of G-cubed (G3): “Life, energy and material cycles at slow-spreading ridges" (Theme Editors: Colin Devey, Nicole Dubilier, Jian Lin, Nadine Le Bris and Doug Connelly). Visit the G3 theme:
Click here if you would like to join InterRidge.